Research Catalog

Victory Hall Association records

Victory Hall Association records, 1920-1921.
Victory Hall Association.
Supplementary Content
Finding Aid


  • 13.5 linear feet (31 boxes).
  • 17 microfilm reels.
  • Records of the Victory Hall Association consist of dossier files and index cards containing basic information on over 8,000 men and women from New York City who died in military or civilian service during World War I.
  • Card indexes contain over 8,000 index cards similar to those in the Dossier files arranged in two series, Branch of Service and Location. Branch of Service card file is divided into eleven subseries: Army, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard, Customs Intelligence Service, War Workers, Nurses, Allied Forces, French Military, Italian Military, and Miscellaneous. In each subseries the cards are arranged alphabetically by the name of the deceased. Location card file is divided into six subseries, the five boroughs of New York and an "out of town" file of families residing outside the Greater New York area. Index cards are arranged alphabetically within each of the subseries.
Access (note)
  • Restricted access;
Additional Formats (note)
  • available on microfilm;
Biography (note)
  • The Victory Hall Association, Inc. was founded in 1919 to collect subscriptions for the erection of a combined war memorial and convention center, Victory Hall, in New York City.
Processing Action (note)
  • Accessioned
  • Cataloging updated
Call Number
MssCol 3165
Victory Hall Association.
Victory Hall Association records, 1920-1921.
Restricted Access
Restricted access; Manuscripts and Archives Division; Permit must be requested at the division indicated.
Microfilm must be used in place of original records.
Additional Formats
Entire collection available on microfilm; New York Public Library; *ZL-435
The Victory Hall Association, Inc. was founded in 1919 to collect subscriptions for the erection of a combined war memorial and convention center, Victory Hall, in New York City. The memorial would contain bronze plaques inscribed with the names of the war dead, vaults holding copies of their military records, as well as an auditorium, exhibit halls, meeting rooms, and sports facilities. The site selected for the building was an empty lot stretching the entire block bounded by Lexington and Park Avenues in the east and west, and by 42nd and 41st Streets to the north and south. The organization's president, George W. Wingate, led the fight to have the city donate the land for this purpose. The plan was hotly debated during 1920, with the strongest opposition coming from Acting President of the Board of Aldermen, Fiorello LaGuardia, who denounced the idea as a real estate scheme. He refused to let the city give away what was probably the most valuable piece of property in the world. The city eventually sold the property and Victory Hall was never built.
Finding Aids
Collection guide available in repository and on internet.
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Research Call Number
MssCol 3165
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