- Additional Authors
- Description
- 41 stereographs (photoprints) : albumen, b&w; 86x176mm. or smaller
- 4 stereographs (photoprints) : albumen, b&w ;
- Summary
- Views of Camden, Maine, and vicinity: includes general, harbor and street views; views of churches (including an interior), a log cabin, several views of Megunticook turnpike, lake and mountain, and the falls of the Megunticook River in Camden. There are also views of Mt. Battie, Negro Island lighthouse and what is possibly a school.
- Alternative Title
- Camden Scenery.
- Mills' Views, Camden, Me.
- Subject
- Genre/Form
- Cityscapes.
- Stereographs.
- Albumen photoprints.
- Photoprints.
- Note
- Includes views by H. A. Mills and unidentified photographers.
- Access (note)
- Cite As (note)
- Robert Dennis Collection of Stereoscopic Views.
- Call Number
- MFY Dennis Coll 89-F167
- NYPG89-F167
- Title
Stereoscopic Views of Camden, Maine [graphic].
- Imprint
- Restricted Access
Restricted access; Photography Collection; Permit must be requested at division indicated.
- Cite As:
Robert Dennis Collection of Stereoscopic Views.
- Connect to:
- Added Author
Mills, H. A., Camden (Me.) Photographer
Robert Dennis Collection of Stereoscopic Views.
- Added Title
Camden Scenery.
Mills' Views, Camden, Me.
- Research Call Number
MFY Dennis Coll 89-F167