- Additional Authors
- Robert Dennis Collection of Stereoscopic Views.
- Description
- 47 stereographs (photoprints) : albumen, b&w; 107 x 174 mm.
- Summary
- Views of Johnstown taken after the flood of May 31, 1889: general views, the river, the broken dam, views of wreckage filled streets including twisted iron, ladders, pipes, boilers, trees, lumber, logs and debris, wrecks railroad cars, stone railroad bridge with debris piles behind it, and from below, the Millville school house used a morgue, tents, wreck of the Conemaugh Boro Fire Engine, including view of fire department members posing with it; blasting of debris, and the removal of a body after a blast; group next to barrels of crockery in remains of store; man with furniture; Cambria Steel Works; German Catholic Church.
- Subject
- Genre/Form
- Albumen photoprints.
- Photoprints.
- Stereographs.
- Note
- Title from label.
- Views are numbered: 1001, 1002, 1005-1007, 1009-1012, 1014, 1016, 1019-1021, 1025-1029, 1032, 1040-1042, 1048, 1050 and views with illegible numbers.
- Access (note)
- Cite As (note)
- Robert Dennis Collection of Stereoscopic Views.
- Call Number
- MFY Dennis Coll 91-F345
- NYPG91-F345
- Author
Webster & Albee, publisher.
- Title
Views of Johnstown, Pa. [graphic] / Webster & Albee.
- Imprint
Rochester, N.Y. : Webster & Albee, 1889.
- Restricted Access
Restricted access; Photography Collection; Permit must be requested at division indicated.
- Cite As:
Robert Dennis Collection of Stereoscopic Views.
- Connect to:
- Added Author
Robert Dennis Collection of Stereoscopic Views.
- Research Call Number
MFY Dennis Coll 91-F345