- Publication Date
- Dez. 1973-Nov./Dez. 1994.
- Description
- 22 v. ill.; 30 cm.
- Alternative Title
- Chemiefasern, Text.-Ind.
- Chemiefasern, Textil-Industrie
- Chemiefasern, Textilindustrie
- Subject
- Synthetic fibers industry > Periodicals
- Note
- "Zeitschrift für die gesamte Textilindustrie."
- Indexed In (note)
- Predicasts
- Abstract bulletin of the Institute of Paper Chemistry
- CIS abstracts
- Chemical abstracts
- World textile abstracts
- Language (note)
- In German; issues for 1979-<1993> include selected English translations.
- Linking Entry (note)
- Continues: Chemiefasern + [i.e. und] Textil-Anwendungstschnik. Textil-Industrie, and continues its dual vol. numbering.
- Call Number
- JSP 77-136
- 0340-3343
- 76647041 //r962
- 2662247
- Title
Chemiefasern, Textil-Industrie.
- Imprint
[Frankfurt am Main, Ger., Deutscher Fachverlag]
- Current Frequency
- Indexed In:
Abstract bulletin of the Institute of Paper Chemistry 0020-3033
CIS abstracts 0302-7651
Chemical abstracts 0009-2258
World textile abstracts 0043-9118
- Linking Entry
Continues: Chemiefasern + [i.e. und] Textil-Anwendungstschnik. Textil-Industrie, and continues its dual vol. numbering.
- Language
In German; issues for 1979-<1993> include selected English translations.
- Abbreviated Title
Chemiefasern, Text.-Ind.
- Continues
Chemiefasern + [i.e. und] Textil-Anwendungstschnik. Textil-Industrie
- Continued By
Chemical fibers international
- Research Call Number
JSP 77-136 Library has: 1973-1994.