- Publication Date
- 1947/48-1958/59.
- Description
- 12 v.; 22 x 28 cm.
- Donor/Sponsor
- National Endowment for the Humanities Preservation Grant 2, 1992/1994.
- Alternative Title
- Annu. rep., Air Pollut. Control Dist., Cty. Los Angeles
- Annual report - Air Pollution Control District, County of Los Angeles
- Subjects
- Numbering (note)
- Report year ends June 30.
- Reproduction (note)
- Call Number
- *ZAN-11185 no. 5
- 0161-598X
- 72615508 //r86
- Author
Los Angeles County (Calif.). Air Pollution Control District.
- Title
Annual report [microform].
- Imprint
[Los Angeles] Air Pollution Control District, County of Los Angeles, 1948-1959.
- Current Frequency
- Numbering
Report year ends June 30.
- Reproduction
Microfilm. 1947/48, 1949/1950-1950/51, 1954/55, 1956/57. New York : New York Public Library, 1994. 1 microfilm reel ; 35 mm. (MN *ZZAN-21823).
- Note
Later title not in NYPL (10-26-93)
- Abbreviated Title
Annu. rep., Air Pollut. Control Dist., Cty. Los Angeles
- Continued By
c1as Los Angeles County (Calif.). Air Pollution Control District. Biennial report
- Research Call Number
*ZAN-11185 no. 5 Library has: 1947/48, 1949/50-1950/51, 1954/55, 1956/57. Filmed together with other titles