- Additional Authors
- European Patent Office.
- Description
- v. : ill.; 30 cm.
- Alternative Title
- Auszüge aus den Europäischen Patentanmeldungen. Teil I b, Grund- und Rohstoffindustrie, Bauwesen, Bergbau
- Subject
- Note
- "Compiled from publications of the European Patent Office."
- Description based on: Year 9, issue 4 (Jan. 27, 1993).
- Language (note)
- English, German or French.
- Call Number
- *VCA 93-455
- 0943-1322
- NYPG93-S1592
- Title
Extracts from European patent applications. Part I b, Primary industry, fixed construction, mining.
- Imprint
München : Willa Verlag Wilhelm Lampl GmbH,
- Current Frequency
- Language
English, German or French.
- Added Author
European Patent Office.
- Other Title
Auszüge aus den Europäischen Patentanmeldungen. Teil I b, Grund- und Rohstoffindustrie, Bauwesen, Bergbau
- Research Call Number
*VCA 93-455