- Additional Authors
- Romana Javitz Collection.
- Description
- 20 photographic prints : silver gelatin, b&w; 43.5 x 33.1 and smaller.
- Summary
- Views principally of New York City's Greenwich Village (14) but including SoHo (south of Houston Street)(2), Gramercy (2), the Lower East Side (2) and one unidentified cityscape.
- Subject
- Genre/Form
- Cityscapes.
- Interiors.
- Portraits.
- Photographic prints.
- Silver gelatin photographic prints.
- Note
- Title devised by cataloger.
- Collection stamps, paper labels, verso.
- Photographer's stamps, verso.
- Some titles inscribed in pencil or ink, verso.
- Photographs in this series were NOT taken for the WPA\FAP "Changing New York" project.
- Access (note)
- Cite As (note)
- Romana Javitz Collection.
- Terms of Use (note)
- Apply to the Office of Special Collections for permission to reproduce.
- Provenance (note)
- Call Number
- MFZ (Abbott) 93-6248
- NYPG93-F170
- Author
Abbott, Berenice, 1898-1991. Photographer
- Title
Photographs of New York City including Greenwich Village, SoHo, Gramercy, the Lower East Side and one unidentified cityscape [graphic] / Berenice Abbott.
- Imprint
1929-ca. 1959.
- Restricted Access
Restricted access; Photography Collection; Permit must be requested at the division indicated.
- Cite As:
Romana Javitz Collection.
- Terms Of Use
Apply to the Office of Special Collections for permission to reproduce.
- Finding Aids
Detailed inventory available.
- Provenance
Transfer, 1991.
- Added Author
Romana Javitz Collection.
- Research Call Number
MFZ (Abbott) 93-6248