- Additional Authors
- Romana Javitz Collection.
- Description
- 27 photographic prints : silver gelatin, b&w; 27.2 x 34.2 cm. and smaller.
- Summary
- Views comprise three different series on children's hospitals. The largest is at Bellevue Hospital in New York City showing volunteer substitute mothers entertaining, feeding, or just keeping company with the children. The next group is from the Valhalla Convalescent Home in Westchester County, N.Y. showing children recuperating at the facility and playing games. The final group shows infants in the intensive care ward of the Pittsburgh Children's Hospital in Pennsylvania with views of doctors and nurses attending to them.
- Subject
- Genre/Form
- Interiors.
- Portraits.
- Photographic prints.
- Silver gelatin photographic prints.
- Note
- Title devised by cataloger.
- Collection stamps, verso on some items.
- Photographer's stamps, verso on some items.
- Titles, dates, locales, negative numbers, photographer's credits, inscribed in pencil or on typed paper labels, verso on some items.
- Access (note)
- Cite As (note)
- Romana Javitz Collection.
- Terms of Use (note)
- Apply to the Office of Special Collections for permission to reproduce.
- Provenance (note)
- Call Number
- MFZ (Bubley) 93-6231
- NYPG93-F235
- Author
Bubley, Esther, photographer.
- Title
Photographs of programs at three children's hospitals: Bellevue Hospital, New York City, Valhalla Convalescent Home, Westchester County, N.Y. and the Pittsburgh Children's Hospital, Pennsylvania [graphic] / Esther Bubley.
- Imprint
- Restricted Access
Restricted access; Photography Collection; Permit must be requested at the division indicated.
- Cite As:
Romana Javitz Collection.
- Terms Of Use
Apply to the Office of Special Collections for permission to reproduce.
- Finding Aids
Detailed inventory available.
- Provenance
Transfer, 1991.
- Added Author
Romana Javitz Collection.
- Research Call Number
MFZ (Bubley) 93-6231