- Additional Authors
- Description
- 1 ms. score (3 v.) (9, 588, 14 p.)
- Subject
- Note
- Holograph (Britten-Pears Library, Aldeburgh.)
- Scenario by John Cranko.
- Choreography by John Cranko.
- Target title.
- Annotations, corrections, and additions in composer's hand; notes to copyist.
- Film no. A 5.
- Reproduction (note)
- Call Number
- *ZBT-554
- NYPG94-C5753
- Author
Britten, Benjamin, 1913-1976.
- Title
The prince of the pagodas [microform] : op. 57 :ballet in three acts / by John Cranko [scenario] and Benjamin Britten [music]
- Imprint
- Reproduction
Microform. Aldeurgh. Britten-Pears Library, 1979, 1 microfilm reel ; 35 mm.
- Connect to:
- Added Author
Cranko, John.
Britten-Pears Library. Manuscript.
Toscanini Memorial Archives.
- Research Call Number