- Additional Authors
- United States. Bureau of the Census.
- Publication Date
- Aug. 1949-Dec. 1953.
- Description
- v.; 27 cm.
- Alternative Title
- Aluminum ingot and mill products, and magnesium mill products
- Subject
- Issued By (note)
- Prepared by the Bureau's Industry Division, Primary Nonferrous Metals Unit.
- Linking Entry (note)
- Formed by the union of: its Series M24B, Aluminum wrought products; and M24G, Magnesium wrought products.
- Continued by: its Series M33-2, Aluminum ingot and mill products, and magnesium mill products.
- Call Number
- TAKB (United States. Census Bureau. Facts for industry. Aluminum wrought products)
- NYPG94-S8374
- Title
Facts for industry. Series M24-1, Aluminum ingot and mill products, and magnesium mill products.
- Imprint
[Washington, D.C. : U.S. Bureau of the Census]
- Current Frequency
Monthly, with annual summary
- Issued By
Prepared by the Bureau's Industry Division, Primary Nonferrous Metals Unit.
- Linking Entry
Formed by the union of: its Series M24B, Aluminum wrought products; and M24G, Magnesium wrought products.
Continued by: its Series M33-2, Aluminum ingot and mill products, and magnesium mill products.
- Added Author
United States. Bureau of the Census.
- Formed By
Facts for industry. Series M24B, Aluminum wrought products
Facts for industry. Series M24G, Magnesium wrought products
- Continued By
Facts for industry. Series M33-2, Aluminum ingot and mill products, and magnesium mill products
- Research Call Number
TAKB (United States. Census Bureau. Facts for industry. Aluminum wrought products) Library has: Aug. 1949-Dec. 1953.