- Publication Date
- -1941/42.
- Publication began with 1930?
- Description
- v.; 24 cm.
- Former Title
- President's report 1930?-
- Subjects
- Note
- Reproduction (note)
- Call Number
- *ZAN-T2244
- 32844169
- Author
New York Produce Exchange.
- Title
President's annual report [microform], New York Produce Exchange.
- Imprint
New York, N.Y. : The Exchange, 1930?-1942.
- Current Frequency
- Reproduction
Microfilm. microfilm reels ; 35 mm.
- Continues
New York Produce Exchange. Report of the New York Produce Exchange
- Continued By
New York Produce Exchange. Annual report of the Board of Managers and Treasurer
- Research Call Number
*ZAN-T2244 Library has: 1930-1941/42.