- Publication Date
- 1st (1914)-61st (1974).
- Description
- v.; 28 cm.
- Subject
- Note
- No. 37, 1950, published as a special issue of Soap and sanitary chemicals, has title: Official proceedings; reports and addresses annual meeting.
- Numbering (note)
- No. 36, 1949, not published.
- Call Number
- SPT+ (Chemical Specialties Manufacturers Association, inc. Proceedings; annual meeting)
- 33054338
- Author
Chemical Specialties Manufacturers Association.
- Title
Proceedings : annual meeting, including committee reports.
- Imprint
New York : [s.n.],
- Current Frequency
- Numbering
No. 36, 1949, not published.
- Continues
National Association of Insecticide and Disinfectant Manufacturers. Annual convention
- Research Call Number
SPT+ (Chemical Specialties Manufacturers Association, inc. Proceedings; annual meeting) Library has: 37th (1950)-55th (1968), 57th (1970)-59th (1972).