Research Catalog
Forum on the Documentation and Preservation of Dance
- Title
- Forum on the Documentation and Preservation of Dance [sound recording].
- Publication
- 1992.
- Additional Authors
- Nichols, Madeleine M.
- Kopp, Leslie Hansen.
- Bloom, Michael.
- Newlin, Jeanne T.
- Fox, Ilene.
- Bellow, Rachel Newton.
- Schwartz, Michael.
- Greene, Jonnie.
- Vaughan, David, 1924-
- Schoelwer, Ed.
- Owen, Norton.
- Moseley, Monica.
- Hodes, Stuart.
- Reinhart, Stephanie.
- Dorris, George E.
- Palfy, Barbara Goldberg.
- Hastings, Baird.
- Topaz, Muriel.
- Turocy, Catherine.
- Cohen, Selma Jeanne, 1920-2005.
- New York Public Library. Dance Collection.
- Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
- Dance Heritage Coalition.
- Description
- 2 cassettes (ca. 2 1/2 hours)
- Donor/Sponsor
- Oral History Archive.
- Subjects
- Audiotapes > Topaz, M
- Audiotapes > Owen, N
- Audiotapes > Greene, J
- Audiotapes > Schoelwer, E
- Audiotapes > Fox, I
- Audiotapes > Moseley, M
- Audiotapes > Palfy, B
- Audiotapes > Vaughan, D
- Audiotapes > Newlin, J
- Choreography > Reconstruction
- Audiotapes > Bloom, M
- Audiotapes > Reinhart, S
- Audiotapes > Schwartz, M
- Audiotapes > Nichols, M
- Museums and libraries
- Audiotapes > Kopp, L
- Audiotapes > Dorris, G
- Audiotapes > Hodes, S
- Audiotapes > Cohen, S
- Audiotapes > Turocy, C
- Labanotation
- Audiotapes > Bellow, R
- Library materials > Conservation and restoration
- Preserve, Inc
- Audiotapes > Hastings, B
- Note
- Recorded 4 Feb. 1992 in Bruno Walter Auditorium, Lincoln Center, New York. Co-sponsored by the Dance Collection of the New York Public Library, the Dance Heritage Coalition Planning Group, and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, with assistance from Preserve, the Coalition for Performing Arts Archives.
- Contents
- SUMMARY: Open discussion of the current state of the documentation and preservation of dance. Madeleine Nichols and Leslie Kopp make opening remarks. Michael Bloom moderates. Speakers include: Jeanne Newlin, Ilene Fox, Rachel Bellow, Michael Schwartz, Jonnie Greene, David Vaughan, Ed Schoelwer, Norton Owen, Monica Moseley, Stuart Hodes, Stephanie Reinhart, George Dorris, Barbara Palfy, Baird Hastings, Muriel Topaz, Catherine Turocy and Selma Jeanne Cohen, and others.
- Call Number
- *MGZTC 3-1508
- NYPY926004778-R
- Title
- Forum on the Documentation and Preservation of Dance [sound recording].
- Imprint
- 1992.
- Local Subject
- Choreography -- Reconstruction.Audiotapes -- Nichols, M.Audiotapes -- Kopp, L.Audiotapes -- Bloom, M.Audiotapes -- Newlin, J.Audiotapes -- Fox, I.Audiotapes -- Bellow, R.Audiotapes -- Schwartz, M.Audiotapes -- Greene, J.Audiotapes -- Vaughan, D.Audiotapes -- Schoelwer, E.Audiotapes -- Owen, N.Audiotapes -- Moseley, M.Audiotapes -- Hodes, S.Audiotapes -- Reinhart, S.Audiotapes -- Dorris, G.Audiotapes -- Palfy, B.Audiotapes -- Hastings, B.Audiotapes -- Topaz, M.Audiotapes -- Turocy, C.Audiotapes -- Cohen, S.
- Added Author
- Nichols, Madeleine M.Kopp, Leslie Hansen.Bloom, Michael.Newlin, Jeanne T.Fox, Ilene.Bellow, Rachel Newton.Schwartz, Michael.Greene, Jonnie.Vaughan, David, 1924-Schoelwer, Ed.Owen, Norton.Moseley, Monica.Hodes, Stuart.Reinhart, Stephanie.Dorris, George E.Palfy, Barbara Goldberg.Hastings, Baird.Topaz, Muriel.Turocy, Catherine.Cohen, Selma Jeanne, 1920-2005.New York Public Library. Dance Collection.Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.Dance Heritage Coalition.
- Research Call Number
- *MGZTC 3-1508