Research Catalog
Merce Cunningham.
- Title
- Merce Cunningham.
- Author
- McDonagh, Don.
- Found In
- McDonagh, Don. The complete guide to modern dance. Garden City, N. Y. 1976. p 280-296
- Subjects
- Changing steps (Choreographic work : Cunningham)
- RainForest (Choreographic work : Cunningham)
- Place (Choreographic work : Cunningham)
- How to pass, kick, fall and run (Choreographic work : Cunningham)
- Variations V (Choreographic work : Cunningham)
- Winterbranch (Choreographic work : Cunningham)
- Aeon (Choreographic work : Cunningham)
- Crises (Choreographic work : Cunningham)
- Nightwandering (Choreographic work : Cunningham)
- Antic meet (Choreographic work : Cunningham)
- Collage (Choreographic work : Cunningham)
- Suite for five (Choreographic work : Cunningham)
- Cunningham, Merce
- Note
- Includes synopses of Suite for five in space and time, Collage III, Antic meet, Nightwandering, Crises, Aeon, Winterbranch, Variations V, How to pass, kick, fall, and run, Place, Rainforest, and Changing steps.
- Choreochronicle of Merce Cunningham: p. 294-296.
- Call Number
- *MGV 76-1588
- NYPY777009791-B
- Author
- McDonagh, Don.
- Title
- Merce Cunningham.
- Found In:
- McDonagh, Don. The complete guide to modern dance. Garden City, N. Y. 1976. p 280-296
- Research Call Number
- *MGV 76-1588