Research Catalog
Neue Ballett-Videos.
- Title
- Neue Ballett-Videos.
- Author
- Wohlfahrt, Hans Theodor.
- Found In
- Ballett-Journal/Das Tanzarchiv. Köln. Jahrg. 41, Nr. 2, Apr. 1993, p. 58. ill.
- Subjects
- Note
- Review of the videorecording, The art of the 20th-Century Ballet, featuring the Jorge Donn and the Ballet du XXe Siècle in Maurice Béjart's Bolero, Adagietto, and Ce que l'amour me dit.
- Call Number
- *MGZA 83-580
- NYPY936042011-B
- Author
- Wohlfahrt, Hans Theodor.
- Title
- Neue Ballett-Videos.
- Local Subject
- Ballet in television. Art of the 20th-Century Ballet.Ballet in television. Bolero.Ballet in television. Ce que l'amour me dit.
- Found In:
- Ballett-Journal/Das Tanzarchiv. Köln. Jahrg. 41, Nr. 2, Apr. 1993, p. 58. ill.
- Research Call Number
- *MGZA 83-580