- Publication Date
- [3rd] (June 1951).
- Description
- 1 v.; 28 cm.
- Subject
- Note
- "Report of the Organization."--P. 3.
- Call Number
- TAA (Organization for European Economic Cooperation. Report)
- sf 83001094
- 1134649
- Author
Organisation for European Economic Co-operation.
- Title
Economic progress and problems of Western Europe / Organisation for European Economic Co-operation.
- Imprint
Paris : The Organisation, 1951.
- Current Frequency
- Continues
Organisation for European Economic Co-operation. Report of the O.E.E.C. (1950)
- Continued By
Organisation for European Economic Co-operation. Annual report of the OEEC
- Research Call Number
TAA (Organization for European Economic Cooperation. Report) Library has: [3rd] (June 1951).