Research Catalog
Prints depicting pipe smoking and related subjects
- Title
- Prints depicting pipe smoking and related subjects [graphic]
- Publication
- [17--?]-1941
- Additional Authors
- Aman, Theodor, 1831-1891.
- Caldwall, James, 1739-1819.
- Charlet, Nicolas-Toussaint, 1792-1845.
- Darjou, Alfred-Henri, 1832-1874.
- Pont, Charles E. (Charles Ernest), 1898-
- Probst, George Balthasar.
- Sayer, Robert, 1725-1794.
- Stothard, Thomas, 1755-1834.
- Váchal, Josef.
- Watt, James Henry, 1799-1867.
- Bowles & Carver. pbl
- Description
- <35> prints ; engraving, lithograph, mezzotint, wood engraving; 54 x 67 cm. or smaller.
- Summary
- Images depict pipe smoking in domestic and public house scenes where people of various professions and classes are sometimes also engaged in activities such as conversation, drinking, gaming, sitting by the hearth and reading. Also depicted is a classroom scene where boys are trying smoking; the first house in England where tobacco was smoked; Sir Walter Raleigh's smoking paraphernalia; crossed pipes and an artist's palette; an allegory of Asia where one of two turbaned figures is smoking; a general view of Vienna, with turbaned figures smoking in foreground; the "Macarony Brothers," one with a monkey on his shoulder; and an allegory of the five senses.
- Subjects
- Vues d'optique
- Prints > Romanian
- Prints > German
- Prints > French
- Prints > English
- Prints > Dutch
- Mezzotints
- Metamorphic pictures
- Lithographs
- Engravings
- Bookplates
- Vienna (Austria)
- Tobacco pipes
- Taverns (Inns)
- Tailors
- Soldiers
- Snuff
- Smoking paraphernalia
- Smoking in art
- Singing
- Shoemakers
- Senses and sensation
- Salt workers
- Sailors
- Reading
- Entertaining
- Painting
- Interiors
- Hearths
- Friendship
- Eating & drinking
- Domestic life
- Conversation
- Classrooms
- Children smoking
- Children and adults
- Artists
- Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1552?-1618 > Associated objects
- Genre/Form
- Bookplates.
- Engravings.
- Lithographs.
- Metamorphic pictures.
- Mezzotints.
- Prints – Dutch.
- Prints – English.
- Prints – French.
- Prints – German.
- Prints – Romanian.
- Vues d'optique.
- Note
- Title devised by cataloger.
- Plate marks, when present, range in size from 5 x 4 cm. to 42 x 27 cm.
- Prints are made or published by Theodor Aman, Bowles & Carver, James Caldwell, N. Charlet, Charles E. Pont, Georg Balthasar Probst, Robert Sayer, Josef Váchal, James Henry Watt and others, some after works by A. Darjou, Thomas Stothard and others.
- Titles and legends in English, French, German, Dutch and Romanian.
- Includes metamorphic pictures, vues d'optique and bookplates.
- Access (note)
- Restricted access;
- Call Number
- Arents Prints 96-341
- NYPG96-F125
- Title
- Prints depicting pipe smoking and related subjects [graphic]
- Imprint
- [17--?]-1941
- Restricted Access
- Restricted access; Arents Collection; Permit must be requested at the division indicated.
- Connect to:
- Added Author
- Aman, Theodor, 1831-1891. EngraverCaldwall, James, 1739-1819. EngraverCharlet, Nicolas-Toussaint, 1792-1845. ArtistDarjou, Alfred-Henri, 1832-1874. ArtistPont, Charles E. (Charles Ernest), 1898- EngraverProbst, George Balthasar. EngraverSayer, Robert, 1725-1794. PublisherStothard, Thomas, 1755-1834. ArtistVáchal, Josef. EngraverWatt, James Henry, 1799-1867. EngraverBowles & Carver. Publisher
- Research Call Number
- Arents Prints 96-341