- Additional Authors
- Description
- 53p. 3pl. (1 fold); 23cm.
- Alternative Title
- A phonetic English alphabet.
- Subject
- Note
- Signed: Calvin Thomas, George Hempl, Charles P.G. Scott, O.F. Emerson and E.O. Vaile.
- Call Number
- RNB p.v. 32, no. 3
- 1810567
- Title
Report of a joint committee representing the National education association, the American philological association and the Modern language association of America, on the subject of a phonetic English alphabet.
- Imprint
New York, The Publishers' printing company, 1904
- Added Author
National Education Association of the United States.
American Philological Association.
Modern Language Association of America.
- Added Title
A phonetic English alphabet.
- Research Call Number
RNB p.v. 32, no. 3