- Description
- 16 p. l., 454 p.,, 1 l. diagrs.; 4to.
- Uniform Title
- In C. Plinii De naturali historia librum secundum commentarius.
- Subject
- Note
- Colophon on the recto, and printer's device on the verso of the leaf at end.
- Indexed In (note)
- Call Number
- *KB+ 1531 (Ziegler, J. Iacobi Ziegleri, Landavi, Bavari)
- 26189679
- Author
Ziegler, Jacob, 1480-1549.
- Title
Iacobi Ziegleri, Landavi, Bavari, In C. Plinii De Naturali Historia Librvm Secvndvm Commentarivs, Qvo Difficvltates Plinianae, Praesertim Astronomicae, Omnes Tollvntvr. Item, Organvm Quo Catholica Sydervm, Vt Apvd Plinivm Est, Mira Arte Docetvr. Item, Georgii Collimitii, Et Ioachimi Vadiani, in eundem secundum Plinij Scholia quædam. Ad hæc Index rerum quæ hic disputantur præcipuarum, utilis.
- Imprint
Basileae, Excvdebat Henricvs Petrvs, Mense Avgvsto, Anno 1531.
- Edition
Opus nunc recens natum, & primum æditum.
- Indexed In:
Houzeau and Lancaster 2437
- Local Note
Pagination irregular.
Binding, contemporary English, of board covered with stamped leather. Sides divided into compartments by bands stamped with the royal crown and the Tudor rose supported by a dragon and a hound, the pomegranate and portculis. With two metal clasps.
- Added Title
In C. Plinii De naturali historia librum secundum commentarius.
- Research Call Number
*KB+ 1531 (Ziegler, J. Iacobi Ziegleri, Landavi, Bavari)