Research Catalog

[Commentarii in Valerium Maximum]

[Commentarii in Valerium Maximum]
Dionysius, de Burgo Sancti Sepulchri, Bishop, -1342.
[Strasbourg, Adolf Rusch, ca. 1471]


Additional Authors
Wilberforce Eames Collection.
372 l.; 30 cm. (fol.)
Valerius Maximus
  • l. 2a: Incipit epistola super declaracione Valerii Maxi- / mi. Edita. a fratre dyionisio de Burgo sancti sepulcri-[sic] / ordinis fratrum heremitarnm [sic] sancti Augustini.
  • l. 371a: ... & ip / se de[us] colĩt. í [q]dẽ cultu sincero e[t]na vita [p]mit- / tĩt. In secula seculorum. Amen.
  • Roman type (Proctor 237); 36 lines. With initial spaces; without catchwords, foliation and signature marks. Partly rubricated; with ornamental pen and ink initials.
  • Signatures: [a-d¹⁰, e-f⁸, g-h¹⁰, i⁸, k¹⁰ l-m⁸, n¹⁰, o⁸, p-q¹⁰, r⁸, s⁶, t-y¹⁰, z⁶, A⁸, B-D¹⁰, E-G⁸, H-L¹⁰, M⁶, N-Q¹⁰, R-S⁸]
  • Printed, not after 1475, by Adolf Rusch, the "R-printer".--cf. GW, and Scholderer, Victor. Adolf Rusch and the earliest Roman types, p. 49. (In: The Library, ser. 4, v. 20, p. 43-50. June, 1939)
Bibliography (note)
  • Bibliography included in dedication, l. 2.
Indexed In (note)
  • Stillwell: Second census
  • GW
  • Hain-Copinger
  • BMC
  • Pellechat
Call Number
*KB+ 1471 (Dionysius de Burgo Sancti Sepulcri. [Commentarii in Valerium Maximum])
Dionysius, de Burgo Sancti Sepulchri, Bishop, -1342.
[Commentarii in Valerium Maximum]
[Strasbourg, Adolf Rusch, ca. 1471]
Indexed In:
Stillwell: Second census, D 198
GW 8411
Hain-Copinger 4103
BMC, I, 63.IB.629
Pellechat 3059
Bibliography included in dedication, l. 2.
Local Note
Sig. [a₁] blank and pasted down to front cover, sig. [S₈] blank.
With ms. foliation and signature marks.
With inscriptions "Pro Franciscanis de obserua. Tabernensib[us] ..." and "M Foresij".
With the Hopetoun bookplate.
Bound in stamped brown leather over wooden boards; with the remains of metal and leather clasps.
Master copy in *ZZ-944.
Added Author
Wilberforce Eames Collection.
Research Call Number
*KB+ 1471 (Dionysius de Burgo Sancti Sepulcri. [Commentarii in Valerium Maximum])
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