Research Catalog

Elektra opera in one act

Elektra [sound recording] : opera in one act / music by Richard Strauss ; libretto by Hugo von Hofmannsthal.
Strauss, Richard, 1864-1949.


Additional Authors
  • Hofmannsthal, Hugo von, 1874-1929.
  • Höngen, Elisabeth, 1906-
  • Varnay, Astrid.
  • Wegener, Walburga.
  • Svanholm, Set.
  • Schöffler, Paul, 1897-
  • Pernerstorfer, Alois, 1912-
  • Madeira, Jean.
  • Lenchner, Paula.
  • Franke, Paul, 1917-2011.
  • Vichegonov, Lubomir.
  • Votipka, Thelma.
  • Lipton, Martha.
  • Glaz, Hertha, 1908-
  • Miller, Mildred, 1924-
  • Amara, Lucine.
  • Warner, Genevieve.
  • Reiner, Fritz, 1888-1963.
  • Cross, Milton, 1897-1975.
  • Goldovsky, Boris.
  • Althouse, Paul, 1889-1954.
  • Metropolitan Opera (New York, N.Y.)
  • Metropolitan Opera Radio Broadcast collection.
3 sound tape reels (145 min.) : analog, 7 1/2 ips, 2 track, mono.; 10 in.
Series Statement
Texaco-Metropolitan Opera Radio Network ; [broadcast of Feb. 23, 1952]
Uniform Title
  • Opera news on the air (Radio program)
  • Metropolitan Opera Broadcast (Radio program)
Live sound recordings.
  • Title from house program ; series title from Opera news.
  • Durations: 0:35:11 (synopses and features) ; 1:50:12 (opera).
  • Production notes and official cast list (4 p.) on file in the Rodgers and Hammerstein Archives of Recorded Sound.
Indexed In (note)
  • Opera news
Performer (note)
  • Elisabeth Hoengen (Klytaemnestra) ; Astrid Varnay (Elektra) ; Walburga Wegner (Chrysothemis) ; Set Svanholm (Aegisth) ; Paul Schoeffler (Orest) ; Alois Pernerstorfer (The guardian of Orest) ; Jean Madeira (The confidant) ; Paula Lenchner (The trainbearer) ; Paul Franke (A young servant) ; Lubomir Vichegonov (An old servant) ; Thelma Votipka (Overseer of the servants) ; Martha Lipton, Herta Glaz, Mildred Miller, Lucine Amara and Genevieve Warner (Five serving women) ; Metropolitan Opera Orchestra and Chorus ; Fritz Reiner, conductor ; Milton Cross, broadcast announcer.
Event (note)
  • Live broadcast from the Metropolitan Opera House, New York City, Feb. 23, 1952.
Reproduction (note)
  • Service copy (3 sound cassettes : analog, mono., Dolby-B processed) available in: *LTCM 361 (F)
Language (note)
  • Sung in German.
side 1. Introduction and synopsis of Elektra (Milton Cross) ; Opera news on the air (Boris Goldovsky, host, with Paul Althouse) -- side 2. Opera news concluded -- side 3. "Wo bleibt Elektra?" through "Lasst mich allein mit ihr" -- side 4. "Ich habe keine guten Nächte" through "Wie stark du bist!" -- side 5. "Nun denn, allein" through "Scheig', und tanze! Alle müssen herbei" -- side 6. Broadcast concluded.
Call Number
*LT-10 4910
Strauss, Richard, 1864-1949.
Elektra [sound recording] : opera in one act / music by Richard Strauss ; libretto by Hugo von Hofmannsthal.
Playing Time
003511 015012
Texaco-Metropolitan Opera Radio Network ; [broadcast of Feb. 23, 1952]
Texaco-Metropolitan Opera Radio Network ; [broadcast of Feb. 23, 1952]
Elisabeth Hoengen (Klytaemnestra) ; Astrid Varnay (Elektra) ; Walburga Wegner (Chrysothemis) ; Set Svanholm (Aegisth) ; Paul Schoeffler (Orest) ; Alois Pernerstorfer (The guardian of Orest) ; Jean Madeira (The confidant) ; Paula Lenchner (The trainbearer) ; Paul Franke (A young servant) ; Lubomir Vichegonov (An old servant) ; Thelma Votipka (Overseer of the servants) ; Martha Lipton, Herta Glaz, Mildred Miller, Lucine Amara and Genevieve Warner (Five serving women) ; Metropolitan Opera Orchestra and Chorus ; Fritz Reiner, conductor ; Milton Cross, broadcast announcer.
Indexed In:
Opera news, v. 16, no. 16 (Feb. 18, 1952).
Live broadcast from the Metropolitan Opera House, New York City, Feb. 23, 1952.
Original Version
Preservation tape, recorded at NYPL in May. 1989, from aluminum-based acetates (6 sound discs : analog, 33 1/3 rpm, mono. ; 16 in.) lent by the Metropolitan Opera.
Service copy (3 sound cassettes : analog, mono., Dolby-B processed) available in: *LTCM 361 (F)
Sung in German.
Added Author
Hofmannsthal, Hugo von, 1874-1929. Librettist
Höngen, Elisabeth, 1906- Performer
Varnay, Astrid. Performer
Wegener, Walburga. Performer
Svanholm, Set. Performer
Schöffler, Paul, 1897- Performer
Pernerstorfer, Alois, 1912- Performer
Madeira, Jean. Performer
Lenchner, Paula. Performer
Franke, Paul, 1917-2011. Performer
Vichegonov, Lubomir. Performer
Votipka, Thelma. Performer
Lipton, Martha. Performer
Glaz, Hertha, 1908- Performer
Miller, Mildred, 1924- Performer
Amara, Lucine. Performer
Warner, Genevieve. Performer
Reiner, Fritz, 1888-1963. Conductor
Cross, Milton, 1897-1975. Commentator
Goldovsky, Boris. Commentator
Althouse, Paul, 1889-1954. Commentator
Metropolitan Opera (New York, N.Y.)
Added Title
Opera news on the air (Radio program)
Metropolitan Opera Broadcast (Radio program)
Research Call Number
*LT-10 4910 Master tape. Request cassette service copy in *LTCM 361 (F)
*LTCM 361 (F) Cassette service copy; production notes on file. Master tape in *LT-10 4910.
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