- Additional Authors
- Found In
- Etchings and drypoints by Charles Jacque. (NN)NYPG97-F236.
- Description
- 25 prints : etching; 29.2 x 18.6 cm. or smaller.
- Summary
- Miscellaneous etchings by and attributed to Charles Jacque, not listed in J.J. Guiffrey, L'Oeuvre de Ch. Jacque catalogue de ses eaux-fortes et pointes sèches. Most are rural genre subjects. Miniature prints may have been intended for use as remarques. Subjects include birds, cats, chickens, cows, sheep and Saint Jerome. Includes two etched title pages for suites of prints by Jacque.
- Subject
- Genre/Form
- Landscape prints – French – 19th century.
- Title pages.
- Etchings – French – 19th century.
- Remarques.
- Note
- Some prints may not be by Jacque. Notes by Hector Giacomelli and George P. Lucas indicate some doubtful attributions.
- Title devised by cataloger.
- Some prints include pencil notes by Hector Giacomelli, George A. Lucas and Samuel Putnam Avery, supplying titles and discussing the attribution of the prints to Jacque. Some attributions appear to be doubtful.
- Access (note)
- Cite As (note)
- Indexes/Finding Aids (note)
- Holdings annotated in departmental copy of L'Oeuvre de Ch. Jacque catalogue de ses eaux-fortes et pointes sèches.
- Provenance (note)
- Gift of Samuel Putnam Avery, 1900.
- Linking Entry (note)
- Forms part of Etchings and drypoints by Charles Jacque in Samuel Putnam Avery Collection.
- Contents
- SuppA248. [Two hens and a rooster] -- SuppA249. [Two sheep at a trough] -- SuppA250. [Four flying birds]
- SuppA251. Troupeau moutons. Effet de soir -- SuppA252. Troupeau moutons -- SuppA253. Vache et vachère -- SuppA254. Vaches; moutons -- SuppA260. [Head of bearded man (Charles Jacque?)] -- SuppA261. [Landscape: water in foreground, bare trees beyond] -- SuppA262. Titre: 12 sujets gravés à l'eau-forte par Ch. Jacque (1st state) -- SuppA262. Titre: 12 sujets gravés à l'eau-forte par Ch. Jacque (2nd state) -- SuppA263. Titre: 15 eaux-fortes par Ch. Jacque -- SuppA264. Rentrée de bergerie -- SuppA265.[Head of man with cap & feather] -- SuppA266. [Dog lying down] -- SuppA267. [Two chickens] -- SuppA268. [White cat, seated] -- SuppA269. [Old woman with high cap] -- SuppA270. [Head of little girl in profile to right] -- SuppA271. [Bust of man] -- SuppA272. [Seated and standing figures, very dark] -- SuppA273. [Man in sabots, smoking pipe] -- SuppA274. "St. Gerone" -- SuppA275. Rebecca -- SuppA276. Titre: Essais et croquis par Ch. Jacque.
- Call Number
- NYPG97-F179
- Author
Jacque, Charles Emile, 1813-1894.
- Title
Etchings not listed in Guiffrey. [graphic]
- Imprint
- Restricted Access
Restricted access; Print Collection; Permit must be requested at the division indicated.
- Cite As:
S.P. Avery Collection.
- Indexes
Holdings annotated in departmental copy of L'Oeuvre de Ch. Jacque catalogue de ses eaux-fortes et pointes sèches.
- Linking Entry
Forms part of Etchings and drypoints by Charles Jacque in Samuel Putnam Avery Collection.
- Provenance
Gift of Samuel Putnam Avery, 1900.
- Connect to:
- Added Author
Avery, Samuel Putnam, 1822-1904. Collector
S.P. Avery Collection.
- Found In:
Etchings and drypoints by Charles Jacque. (NN)NYPG97-F236.
- Research Call Number