- Publication Date
- -1885, no. 16.
- Description
- v.; 23 cm.
- Uniform Title
- Laws, etc. (Ordinance enacted)
- Alternative Title
- Laws, etc. (Ordinance enacted)
- Ordinances of British Guiana 1843-1879
- Ordinances 1880-1885
- Subject
- Law > Guyana
- Note
- Description based on: 1843, no. 1; title from caption.
- Call Number
- XWU (Guiana, Guiana. Ordinances)
- 97660690
- 22444003
- Author
British Guiana.
- Title
Ordinance enacted.
- Imprint
[Georgetown, Demerara] : Printed at the Royal Gazette Office -1885.
- Running Title
Ordinances of British Guiana 1843-1879
Ordinances 1880-1885
- Continued By
British Guiana. Laws, etc. (Ordinances for the year ...). Ordinances for the year ...
- Research Call Number
XWU (Guiana, Guiana. Ordinances) Library has: 1870-1885, no. 16