- Publication Date
- Jan. 1996-
- Description
- v.; 28 cm.
- Alternative Title
- U.S. Patent and Trademark Office information directory
- USPTO information directory
- Subject
- United States. Patent and Trademark Office > Telephone directories
- Note
- At head of title: USPTO, <Aug. 2000->
- Title from cover.
- Reproduction (note)
- Linking Entry (note)
- Formed by a union of 3 separate PTO publications: Alphabetical telephone directory; Information contacts; and, United States Patent and Telephone Office telephone directory (Organizational telephone directory).
- Call Number
- READEX Microfiche C 21.28/2
- sn 97028095
- marcive36636458
- Author
United States. Patent and Trademark Office.
- Title
Information directory [microform] / United States Patent and Trademark Office.
- Imprint
Washington, D.C. : The Office, 1996-
- Current Frequency
Irregular, 1997-
- Former Frequency
Quarterly, -1996
- Reproduction
Microfiche 1996- [Washington, D.C.] : Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., 1996- microfiches : negative.
- Linking Entry
Formed by a union of 3 separate PTO publications: Alphabetical telephone directory; Information contacts; and, United States Patent and Telephone Office telephone directory (Organizational telephone directory).
- Spine Title
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office information directory
- Formed By
United States. Patent and Trademark Office. Alphabetical telephone directory
United States. Patent and Trademark Office. Information contacts
United States. Patent and Trademark Office. United States Patent and Trademark Office telephone directory
- Other Form:
Original (OCoLC)34581245 (DLC)sn 96042371
- Gpo Item No.
0254-B-02 (MF)
- Sudoc No.
C 21.28/2: C 21.28:IN 3
- Research Call Number
READEX Microfiche C 21.28/2: