- Publication Date
- 1988-1993.
- Description
- 6 v. : ill.; 28 cm.
- Series Statement
- NASA technical memorandum
- Subject
- Numbering (note)
- Includes the plans for the following year.
- Reproduction (note)
- Call Number
- READEX Microfiche NAS 1.15
- sn 93028549
- marcive25821016
- Author
Langley Research Center. Structural Dynamics Division.
- Title
Structural Dynamics Division research and technology accomplishments for FY ... and plans for FY .. [microform].
- Imprint
Hampton, Va. : National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Langley Research Center, 1989-1994.
- Current Frequency
- Series
NASA technical memorandum
- Numbering
Includes the plans for the following year.
- Reproduction
Microfiche. 1988-1993. [Washington, D.C.? : National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1989-1994]. microfiches : negative.
- Continues
Langley Research Center. Structural and Dynamics Division. Structural and Dynamics Division research and technology plans for FY ... and accomplishments for FY ...
- Continued By
Langley Research Center. Structures Division. Structures Division research and technology accomplishments for FY ... and plans for FY ...
- Gpo Item No.
0830-D (MF)
- Sudoc No.
NAS 1.15:
- Research Call Number
READEX Microfiche NAS 1.15: