- Publication Date
- No. 5701 (Decisions rendered from May 1954 through Mar. 1957)-no. 6203 (Decisions rendered from Sept. through Dec. 1962).
- Description
- v.; 22 cm.
- Subject
- Note
- Some issues include decisions on names in territories of the United States.
- Call Number
- Map Div. (United States. Geographic names board. Decisions of the United States board on geographical names)
- 86657549
- 2066175
- Author
United States Board on Geographic Names.
- Title
Decisions on names in the United States / United States Board on Geographic Names.
- Imprint
Washington, D.C. : Dept. of the Interior, [1957-1963]
- Current Frequency
3 times a year, 1960-
- Former Frequency
Irregular, May 1954-1959
- Continues In Part
United States Board on Geographic Names. Decision lists
- Continued By
United States Board on Geographic Names. Decisions on geographic names in the United States
- Sudoc No.
I 33.5/2:
- Research Call Number
Map Div. (United States. Geographic names board. Decisions of the United States board on geographical names) Library has: no. 5701-6203 (incomplete).