- Additional Authors
- Publication Date
- 2nd (1924)-5th (1927).
- Description
- 4 v.; 23 cm.
- Subject
- Juvenile courts > New York (State)
- Issued By (note)
- Published 1924-1926 by the New York State Probation Commission; 1927 by the New York State Dept. of Correction, Division of Probation.
- Call Number
- SLL (New York State Association of Judges of Children's Courts. Proceedings of the annual conference)
- 7346140
- Author
New York State Association of Judges of County Children's Courts.
- Title
Proceedings of the ... annual conference of the New York State Association of Judges of County Children's Courts.
- Imprint
Albany, N.Y. : New York State Probation Commission, 1925-1928.
- Issued By
Published 1924-1926 by the New York State Probation Commission; 1927 by the New York State Dept. of Correction, Division of Probation.
- Added Author
New York (State). State Probation Commission.
New York (State). Division of Probation.
- Continues
Conference of County Children's Court Judges (1st : 1923 : Albany, N.Y.). Proceedings of the first annual conference of county children's court judges
- Continued By
New York State Association of Judges of Children's Courts. Proceedings of the ... annual conference of the New York State Association of Judges of Children's Courts
- Research Call Number
SLL (New York State Association of Judges of Children's Courts. Proceedings of the annual conference) Library has: 2nd-5th (1924-27)