- Additional Authors
- Description
- xii, 190 p. : ill.; 23 cm.
- Series Statement
- Scripta Humanistica ; 143.
- Uniform Title
- Scripta Humanistica (Series) ; 143.
- Digitalia e-books collection
- Subject
- Note
- "Recinto de Ciencias Mâedicas Universidad de Puerto Rico"--Cover.
- Includes reprints of four previously published articles.
- Bibliography (note)
- Includes bibliographical references.
- Access (note)
- Subscription required for access.
- Reproduction (note)
- Contents
- Bioethics as an interdisciplinary enterprise : where does ethics fit in the mosaic of the disciplines? / Edmund Pellegrino -- La bioâetica como una disciplina crâitica / Leonides Santos y Vargas -- Religiones y bioâetica / Javier Gafo Fernâandez -- Gender issues facing the new millenium : a global perspective / Rebecca D. Pentz -- La dimensiâon bioâetica de las profesiones sanitarias / Leonides Santos y Vargas -- Nursing at the crossroads / Rosemary Donley -- El sentido de la vida y las espiritualidad en la relaciâon entre el profesional de la salud y su paciente / Elena Lugo -- Suicide : a solution to problems with dying? / James F. Drane -- El porquâe el quâe de los comitâes de âetica / Jorge J. Ferrer -- Impact of market forces on health care / John F. Griffith -- Ethics in the age of health care reform / Rosemary Donley -- Ecoâetica / Jorge J. Ferrer -- Agenda bioâetica para Puerto Rico : un diâalogo abierto / Jorge J. Ferrer.
- DIGSCR0117
- Author
McCaw, Robert John, 1966-
- Title
Humanities and the health sciences [electronic resource] : a collaborative project for faculty development and curricular revision : a Puerto Rican experience / edited by Leonides Santos y Vargas, Jorge J. Ferrer, Bruno M. Damiani.
- Imprint
Potomac, Md., U.S.A. : Scripta Humanistica, 2001.
- Series
Scripta Humanistica ; 143.
Scripta Humanistica (Series) ; 143.
Digitalia e-books collection
- Bibliography
Includes bibliographical references.
- Access
Subscription required for access.
- Reproduction
Electronic reproduction. New York, New York : Digitalia Inc., 2009. (Digitalia books collection).
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- Added Author
Santos y Vargas, Leonides.
Ferrer, Jorge Josâe.
Damiani, Bruno Mario.