Research Catalog

The green movement

The green movement [electronic resource] / Debra A. Miller, book editor.
Detroit : Greenhaven Press, c2010.

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Additional Authors
Miller, Debra A.
1 online resource (219 p.)
Series Statement
Current controversies.
Uniform Title
  • Green movement (Online)
  • Current controversies.
  • Green movement
  • Environmental responsibility
Bibliography (note)
  • Includes bibliographical references (p. 202-207) and index.
Access (note)
  • Access restricted to authorized users.
Is the green movement a viable reform effort? The green movement has developed a broad consensus devoted to a sustainable world / Alex Steffen ; Corporations will drive green practices into the mainstream / Charles Lockwood ; Green economy has been historically elusive / Joshua Green ; Modern green movement is divided about how to address climate change / Jeffrey Ball ; Green movement cannot be trusted because it is hostile to science and technology / Anthony Giddens -- Will the green movement benefit the economy? The green business movement is taking off / Michael S. Rosenwald ; A green economy will produce many new green jobs / John Podesta ; A green economy could lift millions out of poverty / Preeti Mangala Shekar and Tram Nguyen ; The benefits to green marketing are more than hype / Stuart Atkins ; There are many barriers to a green economy / Paul Hannam ; Green jobs will be too expensive / George Will ; The top green companies are also major polluters / Ash Allen ; Re-engineering the world's energy system will be difficult and costly / Robert J. Samuelson -- Is going green worth the extra costs to consumers? Buying green products pays off in the long run / Yumi Araki ; The extra costs of going green on consumer products are often justified / Kimberly Palmer ; There are few extra costs and many lasting benefits to green building design / Jennifer Crawford and Peter Morris ; Cap-and-trade legislation will create only a modest increase in homeowners' energy costs / Congressional Budget Office ; Cap and trade will be costly for consumers, but it is the best option for reducing carbon emissions / Neal Dikeman ; Hybrid cars may or may not be worth the extra cost / Lauren DeAngelis ; Consumers' costs for cap-and-trade legislation are grossly underestimated / David W. Kreutzer, Karen Campbell, and Nicolas D. Loris ; Cap-and-trade legislation is a convoluted scheme to impose a new tax on American families / David Harsanyi -- What is the future of the green movement? The green movement must articulate a vision for a positive green future / Joel Makower ; African Americans need to be included in the green agenda ; Green technology will create economic opportunity / Associated Press ; Green-collar jobs are the future for the next generation workforce / Wendy Priesnitz ; The U.S. Congress must pass cap-and-trade legislation to move America into clean energy / Ed Perry ; The world must figure out how to mesh economic development with good environmental policies / Anne Applebaum ; A low-carbon economy will create a livable future / Alok Jha ; The new green movement will upgrade our civilization / Alex Steffen.
The green movement [electronic resource] / Debra A. Miller, book editor.
Detroit : Greenhaven Press, c2010.
Current controversies.
Current controversies.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 202-207) and index.
Access restricted to authorized users.
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Available from home with a valid library card
Available onsite at NYPL
Added Author
Miller, Debra A.
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