- Description
- 7 p.; 21 x 29.7cm.
- Summary
- How can designers create more innovative and sustainable learning environments? This paper argues in favour of challenging best practice" generally accepted by the architectural profession by embracing a responsive design approach. Such an approach accepts that the environment shapes the learner, and that learners influence their environment...
- Series Statement
- CELE Exchange, Centre for Effective Learning Environments, 2072-7925 ; no.2010/13
- Uniform Title
- CELE Exchange, Centre for Effective Learning Environments, no.2010/13.
- Subject
- Education
- 10.1787/5km4g21wpwr1-en
- oecd-lib-004387
- Author
Lippman, Peter C.
- Title
Can the Physical Environment Have an Impact on the Learning Environment? [electronic resource] / Peter C. Lippman
- Imprint
Paris : OECD Publishing, 2010.
- Series
CELE Exchange, Centre for Effective Learning Environments, 2072-7925 ; no.2010/13
CELE Exchange, Centre for Effective Learning Environments, 2072-7925 ; no.2010/13.
- Connect to:
- Indexed Term
- Other Editions:
L'environnement physique peut-il avoir un impact sur l'environnement pédagogique ? fre (FR-PaOEC)5km4g20sbt7l-fr
- Other Standard Identifier
10.1787/5km4g21wpwr1-en doi