- Additional Authors
- Description
- 80 p.; 21 x 29.7cm.
- Summary
- How are performance-based arrangements at the individual level related to performance management arrangements at higher levels such as the agency or programme level? The report aims to provide practical lessons and insights into performance-based arrangements for senior civil servants, derived from country and practitioner experiences, into how to place senior staff within what might constitute an integrated performance regime. It is meant to be applicable to countries starting to work with such arrangements, as well as to countries wanting to improve their existing systems.
- Series Statement
- OECD Working Papers on Public Governance, 1993-4351 ; no.5
- Uniform Title
- OECD Working Papers on Public Governance, no.5.
- Subject
- Governance
- 10.1787/160726630750
- oecd-lib
- Author
Ketelaar, Anne.
- Title
Performance-based Arrangements for Senior Civil Servants OECD and other Country Experiences [electronic resource] / Anne Ketelaar, Nick Manning and Edouard Turkisch
- Imprint
Paris : OECD Publishing, 2007.
- Series
OECD Working Papers on Public Governance, 1993-4351 ; no.5
OECD Working Papers on Public Governance, 1993-4351 ; no.5.
- Connect to:
- Indexed Term
- Added Author
Manning, Nick.
Turkisch, Edouard.
- Other Editions:
Formules de gestion de la haute fonction publique axées sur les performances : Les expériences respectives de l'OCDE et de différents pays fre (FR-PaOEC)160371110188
- Other Standard Identifier
10.1787/160726630750 doi