- Additional Authors
- Description
- 316 p.; 20x27cm.
- Summary
- The PISA 2000 Technical Report describes the complex methodology underlying PISA 2000, along with additional features related to the implementation of the project at a level of detail that allows researchers to understand and replicate its analyses. It presents information on the test and sample design, methodologies used to analyse the data, technical features of the project and quality control mechanisms.
- Series Statement
- PISA, 1996-3777.
- Uniform Title
- Subject
- Education
- Contents
- Chapter 1. The Programme for International Student Assessment: An Overview Reader's Guide SECTION ONE: INSTRUMENT DESIGN Chapter 2. Test Design and Test Development Chapter 3. Student and School Questionnaire Development SECTION TWO: OPERATIONS Chapter 4. Sample Design Chapter 5. Translation and Cultural Appropriateness of the Test and Survey Material Chapter 6. Field Operations Chapter 7. Quality Monitoring SECTION THREE: DATA PROCESSING Chapter 8. Survey Weighting and the Calculation of Sampling Variance Chapter 9. Scaling PISA Cognitive Data Chapter 10. Coding and Marker Reliability Studies Chapter 11. Data Cleaning Procedures SECTION FOUR: QUALITY INDICATORS AND OUTCOMES Chapter 12. Sampling Outcomes Chapter 13. Scaling Outcomes Chapter 14. Outcomes of Marker Reliability Studies Chapter 15. Data Adjudication SECTION FIVE: SCALE CONSTRUCTION AND DATA PRODUCTS Chapter 16.Proficiency Scales Construction Chapter 17. Constructing and Validating the Questionnaire Indices Chapter 18. International Database Appendix 1. Summary of PISA Reading Literacy Terms Appendix 2. Summary of PISA Mathematical Literacy Terms Appendix 3. Summary of PISA Scientific Literacy Terms Appendix 4. The Validity Studies of Occupation and Socio-Economic Status Appendix 5. The Main Findings from Quality Monitoring of the PISA 2000 Main Study Appendix 6. Order Effects Figures Appendix 7. PISA 2000 Expert Group Membership and Consortium Staff Appendix 8. Contrast Coding for PISA 2000 Conditioning Variables Appendix 9. Sampling Forms Appendix 10. Student Listing Form Appendix 11. Student Tracking Form Appendix 12. Adjustment to BRR for Strata with Odd Numbers of Primary Sampling Units
- 9789264199521
- 10.1787/9789264199521-en
- oecd-lib
- Title
Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) [electronic resource]: PISA 2000 Technical Report / edited by Ray Adams and Margaret Wu
- Imprint
Paris : OECD Publishing, 2003.
- Series
PISA, 1996-3777.
PISA, 1996-3777.
- Connect to:
- Indexed Term
- Added Author
Adams, Ray.
Wu, Margaret.
- Other Standard Identifier
10.1787/9789264199521-en doi