Research Catalog
Symposium on Cunningham Dance Technique - Elementary level (Motion picture) at New York University
- Title
- Symposium on Cunningham Dance Technique - Elementary level (Motion picture) at New York University, 1985-11-18.
- Publication
- November 18, 1985.
Available Online
- Additional Authors
- Found In
- Merce Cunningham Dance Foundation Collection.
- Description
- 4 streaming audio files (97 minutes total) : digital, stereo
- Summary
- Streaming file 1: Michael Miller, Larry [Lawrence] Rhodes, and Michael Bloom introduce the evening, consisting of a panel discussion and screening of Cunningham Dance Technique - Elementary level (Motion picture). Moderator Genevieve Oswald introduces ideas around documentation of dance, filming dance, and the panelists, Merrill Brockway, Marcia Siegel, Deborah Jowitt, Susana Hayman-Chaffey, and Valda Setterfield; topics include: differences in time and space when dance is filmed and some of Cunningham's responses to accommodate these, the original idea and purpose for creating the videotape to document the basic "language" of Cunningham technique, more on the technique itself; work mentioned: Winterbranch (1964); ends abruptly.
- Streaming file 2: Begins abruptly with an audience member comment/question on the spinal articulation in the Cunningham technique; moderator Genevieve Oswald with panelists, Merrill Brockway, Marcia Siegel, Deborah Jowitt, Susana Hayman-Chaffey, and Valda Setterfield; topics include: the universality of the Cunningham technique and individual physical interpretations of it, the value of a live dance teacher for transmission of technique and ways in which the video could be used, Elliot Caplan [in the audience] makes a comment on Cunningham's thoughts around the ways in which he intended the video to be used, more on how they imagine the video to be used, more on the idea of using the video as a reference in a teaching setting; ends abruptly.
- Streaming file 3: Begins abruptly; moderator Genevieve Oswald with panelists, Merrill Brockway, Marcia Siegel, Deborah Jowitt, Susana Hayman-Chaffey, and Valda Setterfield; topics include: the question of authentic transmission and documentation of the technique, the visual clarity of the video and Cunningham's narrative language for the video, the fragility of video as a medium and historical document, more on the purpose of the video and authenticity in transmitting dance; ends abruptly.
- Streaming file 4: Begins abruptly; moderator Genevieve Oswald with panelists, Merrill Brockway, Marcia Siegel, Deborah Jowitt, Susana Hayman-Chaffey, and Valda Setterfield; topics include: critiques and praises of the video, and more on ways that it could be used.
- Alternative Title
- Merce Cunningham Dance Foundation Collection. Audio materials.
- Subject
- Genre/Form
- Speeches.
- Note
- Contains a screening and panel discussion about Cunningham Dance Technique - Elementary level (Motion picture).
- Title, dates, panelists, and location provided by cataloger based on handwritten notes on original cassettes and containers, and audition.
- Handwritten note on original cassette and container no. 1: "Tape #1 NYU Symposium on Cunningham: re. the Elem. Technique videotape. Panel: [Deborah] Jowitt, Seigel [Marcia Siegel], [Valda] Setterfield, [Merrill] Brockway ; 11/18/85 ; Dolby B ; Bobby Tam: Engineer ; "A" only". Handwritten note on original cassette and container no. 2: "Tape #2 Cunningham Tech. Symposium cont'd ; Dolby B ; Side A only". Handwritten note on original cassette and container no. 3: "Tape #3 Tech. Symposium cont'd ; Dolby B ; Side A only". Handwritten note on original cassette and container no. 4: "Tape #4 Tech. Symposium cont'd ; Dolby B ; Side A only".
- Sound quality is mostly good; the speakers are at times recorded at a distance from the microphone.
- Access (note)
- Patrons can access streaming audio only on site at NYPL Research Libraries.
- Source (note)
- Merce Cunningham Dance Foundation
- Linking Entry (note)
- Forms part of the Merce Cunningham Dance Foundation Collection.
- Call Number
- *LTC-A 1413
- 913886752
- Title
- Symposium on Cunningham Dance Technique - Elementary level (Motion picture) at New York University, 1985-11-18.
- Production
- November 18, 1985.
- Playing Time
- 002810 002735 002850 001151
- Type of Content
- spoken word
- Type of Medium
- audio
- Type of Carrier
- audiocassetteonline resource
- Digital File Characteristics
- audio file
- Event
- Recorded at New York University in, New York, New York, 1985 November 18.
- Restricted Access
- Patrons can access streaming audio only on site at NYPL Research Libraries.
- Original Version
- Archival originals: (4 audio cassettes (97 minutes total) : analog) in *LTC-A 1413.
- Linking Entry
- Forms part of the Merce Cunningham Dance Foundation Collection.
- Local Note
- Transferred from four original analog cassettes by George Blood Audio on March 25, 2015.
- Source
- Gift; Merce Cunningham Dance Foundation, 2011-2012.
- Connect to:
- Added Author
- Bloom, Michael, speaker.Brockway, Merrill, panelist.Caplan, Elliot, speaker.Hayman-Chaffey, Susana, panelist.Jowitt, Deborah, panelist.Miller, Michael, speaker.Oswald, Genevieve, moderator.Rhodes, Lawrence, speaker.Setterfield, Valda, panelist.Siegel, Marcia B., panelist.Tam, Bobby, recording engineer.New York University, host institution.Merce Cunningham Dance Foundation, donor.
- Added Title
- Merce Cunningham Dance Foundation Collection. Audio materials.
- Found In:
- Merce Cunningham Dance Foundation Collection.
- Research Call Number
- *LTC-A 1413