Research Catalog

Interview with Merce Cunningham about Points in space : on New York & Company (Radio program), WNYC

Interview with Merce Cunningham about Points in space : on New York & Company (Radio program), WNYC, 1987-10-27 / hosted by Leonard Lopate and Kate Borger.
  • October 27, 1987.
  • October 29, 1987.

Available Online

NYPL Digital Collections


Additional Authors
  • Borger, Kate
  • Caplan, Elliot
  • Cunningham, Merce
  • Lopate, Leonard
  • Walker, Melody
  • Cage, John
  • National Public Radio (U.S.), radio producer
  • WNYC (Radio station : New York, N.Y.), broadcaster
  • Merce Cunningham Dance Foundation, donor
Found In
Merce Cunningham Dance Foundation Collection.
2 streaming audio files (65 minutes total) : digital, stereo
  • Side a [part 2 of the program]: Begins abruptly, Leonard Lopate introduces Kate Borger, Melody Walker and the interview with Merce Cunningham, ca. 0:00-1:38; they play an excerpt from John Cage's Voiceless essay for Cunningham's Points in space (1987), and, while playing, they describe their thoughts on it, ca. 1:43-3:36; Walker introduces her interview with Cunningham taken at his [Merce Cunningham Dance] Studio in Westbeth and they play the interview recording, ca. 3:37-20:15; Cunningham speaks about adapting Points in space from video, for a stage performance; [recording gap from ca. 5:44-5:50]; Cunningham speaks about the ways in which video impacts how a viewer sees choreography including size, timing and speed; silence in his [Merce Cunningham Dance] Company rehearsals, using unconventional music in performances, and the dancers' concentration; more on timing as an important structural element in his choreography; the independence of the composition process for composers working with Cunningham, especially with John Cage; Cunningham speaks about how tedious it is for the dancers while filming dance and the difficulty of re-shooting sequences; his opinions of narrative in dance and changes in attention span due to television; Kate Borger speaks with Walker about Cunningham as a performer with his Company, ca. 20:16-21:15; Lopate and Borger continue to speak with Walker about Points in space, filming dance, and the New York & Company show, ca. 21:17-28:28; Elliot Caplan calls into the program and speaks about the broadcast of Points in space on Arts and Entertainment cable television station, his training as a painter with Elizabeth Murray, ca. 28:29-31:31; ends abruptly.
  • Side b [part 1 of the program]: Begins abruptly, Leonard Lopate speaks with Kate Borger about the New York & Company show and Melody Walker's interview with Merce Cunningham; Lopate and Borger speak about dance on television and public radio's coverage of dance; they speak about his recent guests, Emmanuelle Béart, Robert Townsend, and Demetra Vance; they speak about acting and the physical appearances in actor's that can make a career successful; they speak briefly with Walker about physical appearances in dancers; [announcement break and music, ca. 16:50-18:32]; they speak about the show's producer being ill and plans for future New York & Company shows; Walker speaks about reasons for interviewing Cunningham at his Westbeth Studio rather than live on the show; they speak briefly about the press kits for the Merce Cunningham Dance Company; Walker speaks about Cunningham's innovative approach to filming dance for video and television; Walker announces the broadcast of Points in space on Arts and Entertainment cable television station; Walker speaks about the BBC mini documentary about Cunningham and Elliot Caplan that accompanies Points in space; Borger speaks about her enjoyment of watching dance and the Cunningham Company; they speak about Cunningham's unique approach to the music that accompanies his choreography; Walker speaks more about Points in space and John Cage's composition Voiceless essay; ends abruptly.
Uniform Title
Leonard Lopate show.
Alternative Title
Merce Cunningham Dance Foundation Collection. Audio materials.
  • Musique concrète.
  • Radio interviews.
  • Melody Walker interviews Merce Cunningham on the radio program New York & Company (former name of the Leonard Lopate show), broadcast on WNYC on October 29, 1987.
  • Title, dates and location provided by cataloger based on handwritten and typed notes on original container and cassette, and audition.
  • Handwritten note on original container: "Interview with Merce - WNYC - Public Radio - Taped 10/27 - Broadcast NY 10/29/87 @ 12pm ; National broadcast throughout week - different time schedules". Typed note on original cassette: "Merce Interview, WNYC Radio".
  • Sound quality is mostly good; there are occasional background recording sounds.
Access (note)
  • Patrons can access streaming audio only on site at NYPL Research Libraries.
Source (note)
  • Merce Cunningham Dance Foundation
Linking Entry (note)
  • Forms part of the Merce Cunningham Dance Foundation Collection.
Call Number
*LTC-A 1423
Interview with Merce Cunningham about Points in space : on New York & Company (Radio program), WNYC, 1987-10-27 / hosted by Leonard Lopate and Kate Borger.
October 27, 1987.
October 29, 1987.
Playing Time
003314 003133
Type of Content
performed music
spoken word
Type of Medium
Type of Carrier
online resource
Digital File Characteristics
audio file
Recorded in, New York, NY, 1987 October 27.
Broadcast on WNYC FM, New York, NY, 1987 October 29.
Restricted Access
Patrons can access streaming audio only on site at NYPL Research Libraries.
Original Version
Archival original: (1 audio cassette (65 minutes) : analog) in *LTC-A 1423.
Linking Entry
Forms part of the Merce Cunningham Dance Foundation Collection.
Local Note
Transferred from original analog cassette by George Blood Audio on March 25, 2015; two preservation files were created based on cassette sides.
Gift; Merce Cunningham Dance Foundation, 2011-2012.
Connect to:
NYPL Digital Collections
Added Author
Borger, Kate, host.
Caplan, Elliot, commentator.
Cunningham, Merce, interviewee.
Lopate, Leonard, host.
Walker, Melody, interviewer.
Container of (work): Cage, John. Voiceless essay. Selections.
National Public Radio (U.S.), radio producer.
WNYC (Radio station : New York, N.Y.), broadcaster.
Merce Cunningham Dance Foundation, donor.
Added Title
Leonard Lopate show.
Merce Cunningham Dance Foundation Collection. Audio materials.
Found In:
Merce Cunningham Dance Foundation Collection.
Research Call Number
*LTC-A 1423
View in Legacy Catalog