- Additional Authors
- Found In
- Leida Snow collection of audio interviews and reports on theater, culture and arts.
- Description
- 2 streaming audio files (approximately 55 minutes) : digital, stereo.
- Summary
- Part 1 (00-09:37 minutes). Leida Snow interviews Arthur Herzog III, American novelist, non-fiction writer, and journalist, who talks about his writing career, and about his new book "IQ 83" (Simon and Schuster, 1978).
- Part 1 (9:39-29:03 minutes). Leida Snow interviews gynecologist Albert Altchek, who discusses various medical topics, such as adolescent and young adult gynecology, reproductive science, and sexully transmitted diseases.
- Part 2. Leida Snow interviews Gloria Steinem, American feminist, journalist, and social and political activist, who discusses The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) that she as a leader of National Organization of Women (NOW) began a hard push in the 1970's all over the United States, state by state, and addressed the legislature providing argument after argument in support of the ERA. Thirty of the necessary thirty-eight states ratified the amendment by 1973 as a result of her and other political activists efforts. She also talks about The National Women's Conference that was held in 1977 in Houston, Texas.
- Alternative Title
- Leida Snow interviews Albert Altchek
- Leida Snow interviews Gloria Steinem
- Leida Snow collection of audio interviews and reports on theater, culture and arts.
- Subjects
- Genre/Form
- Radio interviews.
- Note
- Titles provided by cataloger.
- Streaming files transferred from original audiocassette.
- Access (note)
- Access to original item restricted. Patrons can access streaming audio only at the Library for Performing Arts Research Center.
- Additional Formats (note)
- Archival original: (1 audiocassette : analog, stereo) in *LTC-A 1876.
- Source (note)
- Linking Entry (note)
- Forms part of: Leida Snow collection of audio interviews and reports on theater, culture and arts, *L(Special) 09-02.
- Call Number
- *LTC-A 1876
- 946995069
- Title
Sunday magazine. Leida Snow interviews Arthur Herzog ; Leida Snow interviews Albert Altchek ; Leida Snow interviews Gloria Steinem.
- Production
- Type of Content
spoken word
- Type of Medium
- Type of Carrier
online resource
- Performer
Leida Snow, interviewer and host ; Arthur Herzog, Albert Altchek, Gloria Steinem, interviewees.
- Event
Broadcast on WPIX-FM [1978 June 28, July 6] New York, N.Y.
- Access
Access to original item restricted. Patrons can access streaming audio only at the Library for Performing Arts Research Center.
- Additional Formats
Archival original: (1 audiocassette : analog, stereo) in *LTC-A 1876.
- Linking Entry
Forms part of: Leida Snow collection of audio interviews and reports on theater, culture and arts, *L(Special) 09-02.
- Source
Gift; Leida Snow, 2009.
- Connect to:
- Added Author
Herzog, Arthur, interviewee.
Altchek, Albert, 1925- interviewee.
Steinem, Gloria, interviewee.
Snow, Leida, interviewer.
Snow, Leida, host.
WPIX-FM (Radio station : New York, N.Y.)
Snow, Leida, donor.
- Added Title
Leida Snow collection of audio interviews and reports on theater, culture and arts.
- Found In:
Leida Snow collection of audio interviews and reports on theater, culture and arts.
- Research Call Number
*LTC-A 1876