- Additional Authors
- Found In
- Leida Snow collection of audio interviews and reports on theater, culture and arts.
- Description
- 1 streaming audio file (approximately 14 minutes) : digital, stereo.
- Summary
- Martin Bush interviews Leida Snow who talks about her vision of contemporary theater, and analyzes various theatrical productions that currently run on Broadway stages. She also discusses Joseph Papp's role in the foundation of the Public Theater in New York, and expresses her hesitation about JoAnne Akalaitis, who replaced Papp after he passed away in October 31, 1991.
- Alternative Title
- Leida Snow collection of audio interviews and reports on theater, culture and arts.
- Subjects
- Genre/Form
- Radio programs.
- Interviews.
- Sound recordings.
- Note
- Title provided by cataloger.
- Streaming file transferred from original audiocassette.
- Access (note)
- Access to original item restricted. Patrons can access streaming audio only on site at the NYPL Research Libraries.
- Additional Formats (note)
- Archival original: (1 audiocassette : analog, stereo) in *LTC-A 1890.
- Source (note)
- Linking Entry (note)
- Forms part of: Leida Snow collection of audio interviews and reports on theater, culture and arts, *L(Special) 09-02.
- Call Number
- *LTC-A 1890
- 949907824
- Author
Snow, Leida, speaker.
- Title
Interview with Leida Snow / Leida Snow, speaker and interviewee.
- Production
- Country of Producing Entity
United States.
- Type of Content
spoken word
- Type of Medium
- Type of Carrier
online resource
- Performer
Leida Snow, interviewee ; Martin Bush, interviewer and host.
- Event
Broadcast on Voice of America 1991 November 18 New York, N.Y.
- Access
Access to original item restricted. Patrons can access streaming audio only on site at the NYPL Research Libraries.
- Additional Formats
Archival original: (1 audiocassette : analog, stereo) in *LTC-A 1890.
- Linking Entry
Forms part of: Leida Snow collection of audio interviews and reports on theater, culture and arts, *L(Special) 09-02.
- Source
Gift; Leida Snow, 2009.
- Connect to:
- Added Author
Snow, Leida, interviewee.
Bush, Martin, interviewer.
Voice of America (Organization)
Snow, Leida, donor.
- Added Title
Leida Snow collection of audio interviews and reports on theater, culture and arts.
- Found In:
Leida Snow collection of audio interviews and reports on theater, culture and arts.
- Research Call Number
*LTC-A 1890