- Additional Authors
- Found In
- Federal Depository Library Program Web Archive (OCoLC)883856932
- Description
- 1 online resource
- Summary
- This non-partisan, legislative branch agency serves as an independent source of data, analyses, and other information on Medicaid and the U.S. Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP). The MACPAC site provides information on the statutory mandates for and history, roles, and administration of Medicaid and CHIP.
- Alternative Title
- Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program Payment and Access Commission
- Subjects
- Note
- The content is made available by the U.S. Government Publishing Office in accordance with Title 44 of the US Code.
- Digital collection: Federal Depository Library Program Web Archive.
- Call Number
- GPO Internet Y 3.M 46/4:2/INTERNET
- marcive946590424
- Author
Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission (U.S.), author.
- Title
Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission.
- Publisher
Washington, DC : MACPAC
- Distributor
[Washington, D.C.] : Government Publishing Office, 2016-
- Edition
[Archived version].
- Type of Content
- Type of Medium
- Type of Carrier
online resource
- Source of description
Archived web page captured Mar 25, 2016; title from title screen (viewed Apr. 13, 2016).
- Connect to:
- Added Author
Federal Depository Library Program, collector.
United States. Government Publishing Office, distributor.
- Found In:
Federal Depository Library Program Web Archive (OCoLC)883856932
- Gpo Item No.
1154 (online)
- Sudoc No.
Y 3.M 46/4:2 INTERNET