Research Catalog

Modern piano : 20th century, jazz, blues, pop, crossover, new age, meditation music : 90 inspiring original piano pieces = 90 inspirierende Original-Klavierstücke = 90 pièces originales inspirantes pour piano

Modern piano : 20th century, jazz, blues, pop, crossover, new age, meditation music : 90 inspiring original piano pieces = 90 inspirierende Original-Klavierstücke = 90 pièces originales inspirantes pour piano / Hans-Günter Heumann, Rainer Mohrs.
  • Mainz : Schott, [2017]
  • ©2017

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Notated musicUse in library JMG 17-646Performing Arts Research Collections - Music


Additional Authors
  • Heumann, Hans-Günter
  • Mohrs, Rainer
1 score (140 pages); 31 cm
Series Statement
Uniform Title
Pianissimo (Schott Music (Firm))
Alternative Title
  • 20th century, jazz, blues, pop, crossover, new age, meditation music : 90 inspiring original piano pieces
  • 90 inspiring original piano pieces
  • Art music.
  • Jazz.
  • Blues (Music)
  • Popular music.
  • New Age music.
  • Minimal music.
  • "leicht = easy = facile"--title page.
  • Collection of "90 easy original pieces from the 20th and 21st centuries" for piano.
  • Preface in German, English and French.
Orientalischer Tanz = Oriental dance = Danse orientale / Henk Badings -- Siciliana / Alfredo Casella -- La petit nègre (Cakewalk) / Claude Debussy -- Blues ; Kleiner Tango = Little tango = Petit tango / Fritz Emonts -- Lied = Song = Chanson / Wolfgang Fortner -- Das verträumte Kind = The dreamy child = L'enfant rêveur / Jean Françaix -- Andante / Harald Genzmer -- Eine schreckliche Begebenheit = A terrible event = Un événement épouvantable, op. 98/11 ; Spaziergang = Out for a walk = A la promenade, op. 119/12 / Alexander Gretchaninoff -- Der erlöste Klang = Musical resolution = Résolution musicale ; Wolkenhimmel = Cloudy sky = Nuages ; Wie im Traum = As in a dream = Comme dans un rêve / Barbara Heller -- Modern sonatina ; Modern suite ; Modern sarabande ; Modern walz ; Amadeus goes pop ; Regenbogen-Fee = Rainbow fairy = La fée arc-en-ciel ; Wie eine Feder im Wind = Like a feather in the wind = Comme une plume au vent / Hans-Günter Heumann -- Schmetterlingswalzer = Butterfly waltz = Valse du papillon / Wilfried Hiller -- Wir bauen eine Stadt = We are building a city = Nous construisons une ville / Paul Hindemith -- African song / Abdullah Ibrahim -- Simple blue ; Soft blue / John Kember -- Ferienreise = A holiday trip = Un voyage de vacances ; Zirkus-Clowns = Clowns at the circus = Clowns au cirque / Gunter Kretschmer -- Tempo di valse / György Ligeti -- Elegia ; Tarantella = Tarantelle ; Ostinato ; Prayer for peace / Rainer Mohrs -- Verliebte Katzen = Cats in love = Chats en amour ; Katerblues = Tomcat blues = Le blues du matou / Vera Mohrs -- Sad song ; I hear your heartbeat ; New Orleans blues ; The snow is falling ; Livin' for ice-cream / Jürgen Moser -- Kleines Präludium in Pop = Little pop prelude = Petit prélude pop ; Kleines Lied = Little song = Petite chanson ; Ballade für Zwei = Ballad for two = Ballade pour deux ; Kleine Atlantik-Rhapsodie = Little Atlantic rhapsody = Petite rhapsodie atlantique ; Ninette tanzt Musette = Ninette's musette = Ninette danse la musette / George Nevada -- Drei Stücke aus der Klavier-Übung = Three pieces from Piano exercises = Trois pièces du Exercises pour piano. No. 11 ; No. 14 ; No. 35 / Carl Orff -- 5/4 boogie ; Mixolydian etude ; Blue waltz ; Valsette ; Sentimental lady / Eduard Pütz -- Hampelmann = Jumping Jack = Pantin / Friedrich Radermacher -- In der Höhle = In the cave = Dans la grotte / Hermann Regner -- Happy blues ; Tritone blues / Tim Richards -- Ogive no. 1 ; Gymnopédie no. 1 ; Gnossienne no. 1 / Erik Satie -- Big band tune ; Der spanische Gitarrenspieler = The Spanish guitar player = Le guitariste espagnol ; Jazz-waltz ; Blues ; Melancholic reflections ; Sound sheets / Mike Schoenmehl -- Minnelied = Love song = Chanson d'amour / Hermann Schroeder -- Der Elefant = The elephant = L'éléphant ; Der Affe = The monkey = Le singe / Cyril Scott -- Jazz-Etudiette ; Gipsy-Tango ; Foxtrott = Foxtrot ; Blues in E♭ ; Charleston ; Blues in G / Mátyás Seiber -- Für die Jugend = For the young = Pour la jeunesse. No. 1 ; No. 5 / Marko Tajčevič -- Lustige Unterhaltung = Lively conversation = Entretien gai ; Streit = An argument = Querelle ; Trauriger Monolog = Sad monologue = Monologue triste / Loris Tjeknavorian -- Ade = Farewell = Adieu / Harald Weiss -- Latin blue / Gregory W. Yasinitsky -- Melodie = Melody = Mélodie / Friedrich Zehm.
Call Number
JMG 17-646
  • 9783795745646
  • 3795745640
  • 9790001177252
  • M001177252
  • 9783795745646
Modern piano : 20th century, jazz, blues, pop, crossover, new age, meditation music : 90 inspiring original piano pieces = 90 inspirierende Original-Klavierstücke = 90 pièces originales inspirantes pour piano / Hans-Günter Heumann, Rainer Mohrs.
Mainz : Schott, [2017]
Copyright Date
Type of Content
notated music
Type of Medium
Type of Carrier
Pianissimo (Schott Music (Firm))
Staff notation.
Added Author
Heumann, Hans-Günter, composer, editor.
Mohrs, Rainer, composer, editor.
Other Standard Identifier
9790001177252 (pbk.) : EUR19.50
M001177252 (pbk.)
Publisher No.
ED 21128 Schott
Research Call Number
JMG 17-646
View in Legacy Catalog