- Publication Date
- Ceased with New ser., vol. 15, no. 14 (July 30, 1867)
- Alternative Title
- Ceylon observer.
- Colombo overland observer.
- Subject
- Colombo (Sri Lanka) > Newspapers
- Numbering (note)
- Supplement (note)
- Some issues accompanied by supplements.
- Linking Entry (note)
- Biweekly ed. of: The Colombo observer, commercial advertiser and agricultural record.
- Source of Description (note)
- Description based on: New ser., vol. 14, no. 316 (Jan. 16, 1866); title from PDF caption (InfoWeb NewsBank, viewed Aug. 3, 2010)
- Latest issue consulted: New ser., v. 15, no. 14 (July 30, 1867) (InfoWeb NewsBank, viewed Aug. 3, 2010)
- 2010225469
- 652498146
- Title
Colombo overland observer and fortnightly summary of Ceylon intelligence [electronic resource]
- Imprint
Colombo : A.M. Ferguson.
- Current Frequency
- Numbering
Published irregularly.
- Supplement
Some issues accompanied by supplements.
- Linking Entry
Biweekly ed. of: The Colombo observer, commercial advertiser and agricultural record.
- Note
Description based on: New ser., vol. 14, no. 316 (Jan. 16, 1866); title from PDF caption (InfoWeb NewsBank, viewed Aug. 3, 2010)
Latest issue consulted: New ser., v. 15, no. 14 (July 30, 1867) (InfoWeb NewsBank, viewed Aug. 3, 2010)
- Connect to:
- Place of Publication
Sri Lanka Colombo.
- Note
Some online sources have issues listed under title: Ceylon observer.
Running title: Colombo overland observer.
- Continued By
Overland Ceylon observer and fortnightly summary of intelligence
- Other Editions:
Colombo observer, commercial advertiser and agricultural record.
- Other Form:
Microfilm version: Colombo overland observer and fortnightly summary of Ceylon intelligence (DLC)sn 97021877 (OCoLC)38020835.