- Additional Authors
- Galens, David
- Description
- 1 online resource.
- Summary
- Each volume provides discussions of the literary and historical background of novels from various cultures and time periods. Includes concise synopses of plot, characters and themes, a brief author biography, discussion of the story's cultural and historical significance, and excerpted criticism.
- Uniform Title
- Novels for students. Volume 16 (Online)
- Subject
- West, Nathanael, 1903-1940
- Greene, Graham, 1904-1991
- Burney, Fanny, 1752-1840
- Turgenev, Ivan Sergeevich, 1818-1883
- Rand, Ayn
- Gaines, Ernest J., 1933-2019
- Puzo, Mario, 1920-1999
- Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924
- Camus, Albert, 1913-1960
- Hinton, S. E
- James, Henry, 1843-1916
- Fiction > Study and teaching (Higher) > United States
- Fiction > Study and teaching (Secondary) > United States
- Fiction > History and criticism
- Literature > History and criticism
- Note
- "ISSN 1094-3552."
- Guest foreword "The Informed Dialogue: Interacting with Literature" by Anne Devereaux Jordan.
- Access (note)
- Access restricted to authorized users.
- Contents
- The day of the locust - Nathanael West -- The end of the affair - Graham Greene -- Evelina - Fanny Burney -- Fathers and Sons - Ivan Turgenev -- The fountainhead - Ayn Rand -- A gathering of old men - Ernest J. Gaines -- The godfather - Mario Puzo -- Lord Jim - Joseph Conrad -- The plague - Albert Camus -- That was then, this is now - S.E. Hinton -- The turn of the screw - Henry James.
- ssj0000515622
- Title
Novels for students. Volume 16 [electronic resource] : presenting analysis, context, and criticism on commonly studied novels / David Galens, project editor ; foreword by Anne Devereaux Jordan.
- Imprint
Detroit, Mich. : Gale, c2002.
- Access
Access restricted to authorized users.
- Original Version
Original: xvii, 299 p. : ill., photos. ; 29 cm.
- Connect to:
- Added Author
Galens, David.