- Additional Authors
- Publication Date
- Roč. 88, čís. 1/2-
- Uniform Title
- Český časopis historický (Prague, Czech Republic : 1990 : Online)
- Alternative Title
- Čes. čas. hist.
- Český časopis historický
- Czech historical review
- ČČH <2003->
- Subject
- Note
- Access (note)
- License restrictions may limit access.
- Numbering (note)
- Issues for 1990- called roč. 88- in continuation of v. 1-50 of a journal of the same name published 1895-1949, and of v. 1-37 of its successor: Československý časopis historický, published 1953-1989.
- File Type (note)
- Text (electronic journal).
- Language (note)
- In Czech; table of contents in Czech and English, 1993-
- Issued By (note)
- Issued by: Historický ústav ČSAV, -1992; and: Historický ústav AV ČR, 1993-
- Source of Description (note)
- Latest issue consulted: Roč. 101, čís. 3 (3/2003).
- 0862-6111
- 90646321
- ssj0000779070
- Title
Český časopis historický [electronic resource] / Československá akademie věd.
- Imprint
Praha : Nakl. Čs. akademie ved, 1990-
- Current Frequency
Quarterly, 1992-
- Former Frequency
Six issues yearly, 1990-1991
- Access
License restrictions may limit access.
- Numbering
Issues for 1990- called roč. 88- in continuation of v. 1-50 of a journal of the same name published 1895-1949, and of v. 1-37 of its successor: Československý časopis historický, published 1953-1989.
- File Type
Text (electronic journal).
- Language
In Czech; table of contents in Czech and English, 1993-
- Issued By
Issued by: Historický ústav ČSAV, -1992; and: Historický ústav AV ČR, 1993-
- Connect to:
- Added Author
Historický ústav (Československá akademie věd)
Historický ústav (Akademie věd České republiky)
- Abbreviated Title
Čes. čas. hist.
- Spine Title
ČČH <2003->
- Continues
Československý časopis historický
- Other Form:
Online version: Český časopis historický (Prague, Czech Republic : 1990) (OCoLC)607411878