- Additional Authors
- Zhongguo she hui ke xue yuan. Shi jie jing ji yu zheng zhi yan jiu suo.
- Publication Date
- Print began with: Vol. 9, no. 5 (September/October 2001).
- Uniform Title
- China & world economy (Online)
- Alternative Title
- China world econ. (Online)
- China & world economy (Online)
- China and world economy
- Zhongguo yu shi jie jing ji
- Subjects
- Access (note)
- License restrictions may limit access.
- File Type (note)
- Text (electronic journal).
- Source of Description (note)
- Vol. 29, no. 4 (July/August 2021) (Wiley, viewed August 24, 2021).
- 1749-124X
- 1671-2234 (incorrect)
- 2008252052
- ssj0044006
- Title
China & world economy [electronic resource].
- Imprint
Beijing, China : Institute of World Economics and Politics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
- Current Publisher
[Hoboken, NJ] : John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
- Current Frequency
- Access
License restrictions may limit access.
- File Type
Text (electronic journal).
- Source of description
Vol. 14, no. 1 (February 2006); title from table of contents screen (Blackwell-Synergy, viewed January 16, 2008).
- Latest issue consulted
Vol. 29, no. 4 (July/August 2021) (Wiley, viewed August 24, 2021).
- Connect to:
- Chronological Term
Since 1976
- Added Author
Zhongguo she hui ke xue yuan. Shi jie jing ji yu zheng zhi yan jiu suo.
- Abbreviated Title
China world econ. (Online)
- Cover Title
Zhongguo yu shi jie jing ji
- Continues
World economy & China (Online)
- Other Form:
Print version: China & world economy 1671-2234 (DLC) 2005234021 (OCoLC)48527738