- Publication Date
- Vol. 1, no. 48 (Jan. 7, 1812)-v. 3, no. 105 (Feb. 9, 1813) ; v. 23, no. 106 (Feb. 16, 1813)-v. 31, no. 602 (Aug. 27, 1822).
- Uniform Title
- Franklin herald (Greenfield, Mass. : Online)
- Alternative Title
- Franklin herald (Greenfield, Mass.)
- Subject
- Access (note)
- License restrictions may limit access.
- File Type (note)
- Text (electronic journal).
- 2325-5730
- sn 83021064
- ssj0040740
- Title
Franklin herald [electronic resource].
- Imprint
Greenfield, Mass. : Ansel Phelps, 1812-1822.
- Current Frequency
- Access
License restrictions may limit access.
- File Type
Text (electronic journal).
- Connect to:
- Place of Publication
United States Massachusetts Franklin Greenfield.
- Continues
Traveller (Greenfield, Mass.)
- Continued By
Franklin herald and public advertiser