- Publication Date
- No. 1 (Apr. 6, 1751)-no. 135 (Jan. 27, 1753).
- Uniform Title
- Old England, or, The national gazette (Online)
- Alternative Title
- National gazette
- Subject
- Genre/Form
- Electronic journals.
- Note
- Title from caption.
- Microfilm of the original in the British Museum.
- Microfilm 861.
- Access (note)
- License restrictions may limit access.
- Numbering (note)
- No. 38 (Dec. 21, 1751) incorrectly called: No. 83; issues for Dec. 28, 1751-Jan. 27, 1753 called: No. 81-135.
- File Type (note)
- Text (electronic journal).
- sn 94096500
- ssj0069675
- Title
Old England, or, The national gazette [electronic resource].
- Imprint
London : J. Purser, 1751-1753.
- Current Frequency
- Access
License restrictions may limit access.
- Numbering
No. 38 (Dec. 21, 1751) incorrectly called: No. 83; issues for Dec. 28, 1751-Jan. 27, 1753 called: No. 81-135.
- File Type
Text (electronic journal).
- Connect to:
- Chronological Term
- Continues
Old England
- Continued By
Old England's journal
- Subseries Of:
English literary periodical series