- Publication Date
- No. 109 (Jan. 4 to 9, 1744)-no. 202 (Aug. 10 to 13, 1744).
- Uniform Title
- Penny London morning advertiser (Online)
- Early English newspapers ; 530.
- Subject
- Access (note)
- License restrictions may limit access.
- File Type (note)
- Text (electronic journal).
- sn 93048299
- ssj0069701
- Title
The Penny London morning advertiser [electronic resource].
- Imprint
London : J. Nicholson, 1744.
- Current Frequency
- Series
Early English newspapers ; 530.
- Access
License restrictions may limit access.
- File Type
Text (electronic journal).
- Connect to:
- Chronological Term
- Place of Publication
Great Britain England London.
- Continues
Universal London morning advertiser
- Continued By
Penny London post, or, The morning advertiser