- Additional Authors
- Publication Date
- No. 141 (autumn 2007)-
- Uniform Title
- Taipei Chinese pen (Online)
- Alternative Title
- Taipei Chin. PEN
- The Taipei Chinese PEN
- 當代台灣文學英譯
- Dang dai Taiwan wen xue Ying yi
- Subject
- Access (note)
- License restrictions may limit access.
- Numbering (note)
- Issues for Autumn 2007- called also Vol. 35, no. 3-
- File Type (note)
- Text (electronic journal).
- Language (note)
- Chiefly in English; some also in Chinese.
- Source of Description (note)
- Latest issue consulted: No. 154 (winter 2010).
- 2077-0448
- 2008233099
- ssj0000392292
- Title
The Taipei Chinese pen [electronic resource] : a quarterly journal of contemporary Chinese literature from Taiwan = Dang dai Taiwan wen xue Ying yi.
- Alternate Script for Title
The Taipei Chinese pen : a quarterly journal of contemporary Chinese literature from Taiwan = 當代台灣文學英譯.
- Imprint
Taipei, Taiwan : Taipei Chinese Center, International PEN, 2007-
- Current Frequency
- Access
License restrictions may limit access.
- Numbering
Issues for Autumn 2007- called also Vol. 35, no. 3-
- File Type
Text (electronic journal).
- Language
Chiefly in English; some also in Chinese.
- Note
Latest issue consulted: No. 154 (winter 2010).
- Connect to:
- Added Author
Zhonghua Minguo bi hui.
- Alternate Script for Added Author
中華民國筆會, issuing body.
- Abbreviated Title
Taipei Chin. PEN
- Continues
Chinese pen
- Other Form:
Online version: Taipei Chinese pen (OCoLC)676426279