- Additional Authors
- Galens, David
- Description
- 1 online resource.
- Summary
- Features analysis of the plays most frequently studied in literature classes. Entries include: introduction providing overview of play; brief biography of playwright; plot summary; discussion of play's principal themes; essays on play's construction; and excerpted critical commentary.
- Uniform Title
- Drama for students. Volume 18 (Online)
- Subject
- Terry, Megan
- Middleton, Thomas, -1627
- Beim, Norman
- Beckett, Samuel, 1906-1989
- Gardner, Herb, 1934-2003
- Simon, Neil
- Hughes, Langston, 1902-1967
- Synge, J. M., 1871-1909
- Williams, Tennessee, 1911-1983
- Hwang, David Henry, 1957-
- McCullers, Carson, 1917-1967
- Molir̈e, 1622-1673
- Glaspell, Susan, 1876-1948
- Drama > Study and teaching (Higher) > United States
- Drama > Study and teaching (Secondary) > United States
- Drama > 20th century
- American drama > 20th century
- Note
- "ISSN 1094-9232."
- Each entry contains author biography, plot summary, characters, themes, style, historical context, critical overview, and criticism.
- Access (note)
- Access restricted to authorized users.
- Contents
- Calm down mother - Megan Terry -- A chaste maid in cheapside - Thomas Middleton -- The deserter - Norman Beim -- Endgame - Samuel Beckett -- I'm not Rappaport - Herb Gardner -- Lost in Yonkers - Neil Simon -- Mulatto - Langston Hughes -- The playboy of the western world - J. M. Synge -- The rose tattoo - Tennessee Williams -- The sound of a voice - David Henry Hwang -- The square root of wonderful - Carson McCullers -- Tartuffe - Moliere -- The verge - Susan Glaspell.
- ssj0000080773
- Title
Drama for students. Volume 18 [electronic resource] : presenting analysis, context and criticism on commonly studied dramas / David Galens, project editor ; foreword by Carole L. Hamilton.
- Imprint
Detroit, Mich. : Gale, c2003.
- Access
Access restricted to authorized users.
- Original Version
Original: xviii, 354 p. : ill., photos. ; 29 cm.
- Connect to:
- Added Author
Galens, David.