- Additional Authors
- United States. Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization.
- Publication Date
- 1910-1913.
- Description
- [v.]; cm.
- Subject
- Immigrants
- Note
- Reuse of record except for individual research requires license from LexisNexis.
- For related series, see Index, Part 4, L3.3-1 to L3.3-5
- [With data on total passenger movement, by sex; immigration and emigration, by occupation; and alien debarmentsand deportations, by cause; variously by race/ethnicity and port]
- Reproduction (note)
- Call Number
- C7.8-5 to C7.8-8
- cis19120839
- Title
Immigration bulletin [microform]
- Imprint
[Washington? : s.n.], 1910-1913.
- Current Frequency
- Indexed In:
CIS Index to U.S. Executive Branch Documents, 1910-1932 Part 2
- Reproduction
Microfiche. [Bethesda, Md.]: LexisNexis Academic & Library Solutions, 1997. 11 x 15 cm. (CIS US Executive Branch Documents : no. C7.8-5 to C7.8-8)
- Added Author
United States. Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization.
- Sudoc No.
C 7.8:910/1 to C 7.8:913/2
- Research Call Number
C7.8-5 to C7.8-8