Introduction -- Sir Oswald and Lady Birley -- A tribe called Falaise -- Rogue countess -- Les miserables -- A precocious itinerary : East Sussex to Gstaad, New York to Provence -- The Knight of Glin -- She's married to a fairy, so what's her problem? --Donald Cammell, sex addict -- Hippie De Luxe Londonienne -- The years between, 1968-1972 -- Loulou & Yves -- Anne-Marie Munoz, Mater Dolorosa -- Thadee or Ricardo? -- Glue-gunning ahead of the curve -- Stop press -- Wedding of the decade -- La vie en couple -- Bijoux de fantaisie -- Les clans -- Muse? -- The Fiat guy -- Les girls Saint Laurent -- Lady Libertine -- Slogging through the '90s -- Ain't Laurent without Yves -- Loulou, Inc. -- Final stretch -- In extremis -- The second death of Saint Laurent --Afterlife.