- Publication Date
- One hundred and fifty fourth yr., no. 214 (Sept. 12, 1955)-
- Uniform Title
- Williamsport sun-gazette (Online)
- Alternative Title
- Williamsport sun-gazette
- Subject
- Williamsport (Pa.) > Newspapers
- Access (note)
- License restrictions may limit access.
- File Type (note)
- Text (electronic journal).
- 1056-3083
- sn 86081703
- ssj0027010
- Title
Williamsport sun-gazette [electronic resource].
- Imprint
Williamsport, Pa. : Sun-Gazette Co., 1955-
- Current Frequency
Daily (except holidays), <Feb. 8, 1991->
- Former Frequency
Daily (except Sunday), 1955-
- Access
License restrictions may limit access.
- File Type
Text (electronic journal).
- Connect to:
- Place of Publication
United States Pennsylvania Lycoming Williamsport.
- Formed By
Gazette and bulletin
Williamsport sun